You wish to support the action of cats of Chats du Quercy
Chats du Quercy is exempt from all rights of succession : the legacy will used in full to protect cats in compliance with the wishes of the testator.
It is necessary to specify the exact name of “Fonds de Dotation Chats du Quercy” and our complete address, charity registration number W821001276, et Siret numbre 52352515200014. This information is essential.
You can also request that cats du Quercy take care of your cat(s) in the event of your death. Please make sure that their health records are easy to find and up to date, plus their Identification papers.
In all cases, the testament must be written by hand by the testator himself; if the testator is unable to write, the intervention of a notary is necessary.
It is strongly recommended to file the will with a notary and to inform Chats du Quercy.
We thank you immensely for your support.
If anything is unclear, please contact us either by email [email protected] or telephone 0563947397