Blanc et Chocolat: Sweet Nesquik in search of love!
Found with her sisters early one morning after a terrible storm, Nesquik had a rough start to life. Abandoned in the middle of the forest with tire marks nearby, these adorable little ones were heartlessly left to fend for themselves.
Despite her cruel beginnings, Nesquik has made incredible progress. Though timid at first, she has blossomed into a more confident, curious, and gentle kitten. She now loves receiving cuddles and has started seeking the attention she so deeply deserves.
With a little patience and a lot of love, Nesquik will thrive in her new home and give you her whole heart in return.
Ready to give her the chance she deserves? Come meet this beautiful white-and-chocolate kitten—she’s ready to start a new chapter of her life with you!
Nos chats sont testés FIV/FeLV, stérilisés/Castrés, identifiés et vaccinés.

Date de Naissance (souvent approximative) : 01/11/2023
De couleur : blanc et noir gris Sexe : femele Identification : 250269591044359
Intégration jeune enfants, chats et chiens : chaque situation/famille est différente, et nous sommes là pour vous aider et conseiller
Besoin accès extérieur : oui
Nesquik se trouve à notre centre d’adoption à 47500 Sauveterre la Lemance.