Mica will certainly charm you with his beauty and super soft gentle character! OK with other cats but will need patience and time to leave him to adapt to heis new home. With timid cats, this can take a few months.
Mica is just one of more than 30 cats abandoned in a small hamlet and fed by a kind lady who even prolonged the rental of her house the time she found a solution for them.
Mica is available in out Centre d’adoption à 47500 Sauveterre la Lemance.

Date de Naissance (souvent approximative) : 01/04/2020
De couleur : Tigrée
Sexe : mâle
Besoin accès extérieur : oui
Identification : 2502 6959 1269 940
Nos chats sont testés FIV/FeLV, stérilisés/Castrés, identifiés et vaccinés.